
Experts Discuss The Role of Low Calorie Sweeteners...

The 17th International Congress of Dietetics (ICD) 2016 took place September 7-10th in Granada, Spain. On September 8th, the International Sweeteners Association (ISA) hosted a symposium entitled, “Sweetness without calories: How can low calorie sweeteners be a helpful tool in dietetic practice.” Guest speakers for ISA included Professor Kees de...

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Sorting Out the Science on Sugars

Sugar has received a large share of media coverage over the past decade. Accused of being toxic, addictive and the cause of obesity, it makes our job as health professionals even more challenging when trying to separate fallacies from facts. Of course, we know that sugar, and more specifically glucose,...

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Tips for RDs: Advice for Families Regarding AHA...

The American Heart Association (AHA) is now recommending that children between the age of two and 18 limit their consumption of added sugars to less than 25 grams per day, equivalent to about six teaspoons. These are the first recommendations specific to this age group from AHA and were published...

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Fructose in a solid meal does not affect...

“Fructose acute effects on glucose, insulin, and triglyceride after a solid meal compared with sucralose and sucrose in a randomized crossover study” was published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition in June, 2016. When compared with iso-caloric intake of other sugars, fructose does not appear to perturb blood triglycerides...

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Carb Diet Trends

By: Ellen Stokes, MS, RD, LD -- In 1984, Time magazine famously featured a sad face made of fried eggs and bacon on its cover. According to experts quoted in the article, fat was the macronutrient villain, squarely blocking the gate to lower BMIs and better cardiovascular health.  Thirty years...

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Sports Drinks: Fuel for Athletes

By Rosanne Rust MS, RDN, LDN  —  No matter what sort of nutrition advice you offer your patients, it’s important to first inquire about their diet and lifestyle. A healthy diet is balanced with physical activity, and includes the basics of choosing lots of vegetables, fruit, quality protein, whole grains,...

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