
From Bench to Broadcast: Putting Research into Perspective


With obesity and diabetes at epidemic proportions, the time to act is now. Practical, real-world strategies related to weight and diabetes control must be provided to the general public to aid them in making better overall healthy lifestyle choices. However, many studies are taken out of context. Dr. Adam Drewnowski discusses the major differences between epidemiological and intervention studies and how these studies should be used in developing and making public health recommendations pertaining to weight control and diabetes. Dr. Drewnowski highlights the most meaningful data that can be gleaned from various study protocols.

Ms. Warshaw pinpoints recent media headlines related to weight control and diabetes and shows how these headlines can spin out of control, many times due to data misinterpretation. As opposed to motivating the public, many consumers are left questioning the “right” dietary habits. Ms. Warshaw will provides examples (as part of a case study) of how health professionals can better evaluate new and emerging studies and put these studies into proper context while communicating meaningful, scientifically based messages.


  1. Develop a better understanding of how to appropriately interpret results of epidemiology studies versus intervention trials, especially regarding weight and diabetes control.
  2. Highlight study findings that may have been exaggerated or misinterpreted by the media and determine how dietitians can help consumers and the media put epidemiological and intervention studies into proper context as part of an overall scientifically sound framework.
  3. Develop criteria for evaluating studies in terms of practical application and sensible messaging for clients, consumers, media, other health professionals, etc.

From Bench To Broadcast: Putting Research into Perspective

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