
International Conference on Diabetes and Nutrition Notes Effectiveness of Low-Calorie Sweeteners

ATLANTA (July 19, 2016) – Beginning late last month, scientists and healthcare professionals gathered in Prague in the Czech Republic for the 34th International Symposium on Diabetes and Nutrition. One of the sessions held at this meeting was Sweet Living: Can non–caloric sweeteners help in the fight against obesity and diabetes?

Four nutrition and diabetes experts spoke during this session, including Professor Fred Brouns, Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Science at Maastricht University (Netherlands), Dr. France Bellisle, Director of Research at the Center for Research on Human Nutrition at the University of Paris (France), Professor Peter Rogers, Faculty of School of Experimental Psychology at the University of Bristol (United Kingdom) and Dr. James O. Hill, Director of the Colorado Clinical Nutrition Research Unit (USA).

Their presentations discussed their respective research on the role of low-calorie sweeteners in weight management, stressing that research continues to support that when used in weight control programs, foods and beverages made with low-calorie sweeteners can aid in reducing caloric intake. For more information about the conference, including speaker materials, click here.

Image courtesy ©Prague City Tourism

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