
Converting Calories to Grams of Fat

Converting 30% of Total Calories to Grams of Fat

Total Daily Calories30% of CaloriesGrams of Fat (at 30% of calories)
1000 calories/day300 calories= 33 grams fat
1500 calories/day450 calories= 50 grams fat
2000 calories/day*600 calories= 65 grams fat
2500 calories/day**750 calories= 80 grams fat
3000 calories/day900 calories= 100 grams fat
*estimated daily calories needed for a 133-lb. person to maintain her or his weight.
**estimated daily calories needed for a 167-lb. person to maintain his or her weight.
To calculate the recommended fat intake (for a person trying to maintain weight): multiply daily caloric needs (15 calories per lb. of body weight) by .3 (30% of calories), then divide by 9 (number of calories per gram of fat).
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