
Myth or Fact? Safety of Diet Soda.

Q. Low-calorie sweeteners in diet soda are safe for use during pregnancy – myth or fact?


A. Fact.

The use of low-calorie sweeteners in pregnancy has been well studied both in humans and in animals. Before approving the currently available low-calorie sweeteners, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration determined that the low-calorie sweeteners are safe for all populations, including special groups such as the elderly, children, and pregnant and lactating women. Further, leading health groups such as the American Dietetic Association and American Diabetes Association support the safe use of low-calorie sweeteners during pregnancy.

Low-calorie sweeteners can help pregnant women enjoy the taste of sweets without excess calories, leaving room for nutritious foods and beverages without excess weight gain. Excess weight gain during pregnancy has been shown to be harmful to both the mother and developing baby.

faq2Do you have questions about low-calorie sweeteners? Want to learn more about maintaining a healthy lifestyle? You asked and we listened. Our resident Registered Dietitians answered the most popular questions about low-calorie sweeteners.

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