

Low- and Reduced Calorie Sweeteners and Dietary Fiber Low-calorie foods and beverages provide consumers with many benefits, both psychological and physiological. Health professionals and consumers believe low-calorie products, including low-calorie sweeteners, are effective for the following purposes: weight maintenance, weight reduction, management of diabetes, reduction of dental caries and reduction...

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To Boost Your Health, Consider Your Glycemic Response

While most people consider their weight, their blood pressure or their running time when they think about their health, one important parameter is often overlooked: their glycemic response. The glycemic response is used as a way to classify foods based on their potential to increase blood glucose (blood sugar), as...

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Calorie Control Council Responds to Study about Erythritol...

ATLANTA (June 6, 2013) — A new study in PLoS ONE, "Erythritol, a non-nutritive sugar alcohol sweetener and the main component of Truvia is a palatable ingested insecticide," by Baudier et al. published on June 4 suggests that erythritol has potential as an insecticide that is safe for humans.  In their work,...

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Protect Your Smile with Polyols

ATLANTA (August 30, 2012) — According to a review published in Advances in Dental Research, one of the best ways to protect your smile may be to consume more xylitol. Xylitol is a sugar substitute that has also been shown to reduce dental caries (tooth decay/cavities) in children and adults. Milgrom...

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Polyols & Gastrointestinal (GI) Effects

What are Polyols? Polyols, also called sugar alcohols, are a group of versatile, reduced-calorie carbohydrates that provide the taste and texture of sugar with about half the calories.  They are used as food ingredients to replace sugar in an increasing variety of sugar-free and reduced-calorie foods and beverages for their...

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faq2Do you have questions about low-calorie sweeteners? Want to learn more about maintaining a healthy lifestyle? You asked and we listened. Our resident Registered Dietitians answered the most popular questions about low-calorie sweeteners.

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