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“Going Behind the Headlines” is a self-study module produced by the Calorie Control Council, an accredited provider of continuing professional education (CPE) for dietetic professionals by the Committee on Dietetic Registration. It provides 1.5 hours of level 1 CPE credit for dietetic professionals. Directions for obtaining CPE credit are provided below.

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  1. The television is still the primary platform for Americans to get news. What are the next two most often used platforms?
    1. Tablets and cell phones
    2. Newspaper and radio
    3.  Computer and radio – Slide 7: Answer is C 
    4. Computers and newspapers
  1. Which of the following best defines the term ‘spin’ relative to scientific trials?
    1.  Emphasizing beneficial outcomes of a trial or inadequately reporting harm – Slide 8: Answer is A 
    2. Misrepresenting information and outcomes resulting from scientific studies
    3. Manipulation of the facts and truth to serve one’s own personal interests
    4. Using scientific data to promote a product or service
  1. In a study done by Yavchitz et al (2012) 70 press releases and their associate peer-reviewed articles were reviewed. Which of the following is the percent (%) of news items in which ‘spin’ was identified?
    1. 41%
    2. 46%
    3.  51% – Slide 9: Answer is C 
    4. 70%
  1. Which of the following factors increase the likelihood that health and nutrition related stories will be unbalanced?
    1. The need for a catchy headline to draw an audience
    2. Limited space to adequately cover content
    3. Oversimplification of content
    4.  All listed factors increase risk for unbalanced stories – Slide 12: Answer is D 
  1. The United Nations developed the Health on the Net (HON) internet resource for all EXCEPT which of the following purposes?
    1. Guide internet users who seek reliable sources of medical and health information
    2.  Provide evidence-based treatment options for MNT-related diseases – Slide 13: Answer is B 
    3. Set ethical standards for website developers
    4. Certify trustworthy websites
  1. Which of the following was not included in this study module as an example of a widely promoted claim that was not supported by evidence?
    1. Dark chocolate helps you lose more weight
    2. Diet soda causes belly fat gain
    3. Organic foods are more nutritious and better for the environment
    4.  High fiber diets can decrease cholesterol levels – CPEU Module content: Answer is D 
  1. According to this module, which of the following has been a consequence of the rapid growth and use of social media?
    1. Consumers who are better informed about evidence-based health information
    2. Increased access to healthier foods via direct ordering
    3.  Widespread dissemination of unscientific claims – Slides 20-23: Answer is C 
    4. Increased availability of high quality consumer education tools
  1. As noted in Ketchum’s Food 2020 (3rd Edition), Food e-Vangelists, share all but which of the following characteristics?
    1.  Desire for self-promotion and disinterest in science – Slides 22-23: Answer is A 
    2. Open to learning and changing their minds based on accurate information
    3. Want more ingredient and product information available on the food label
    4. Care that quality food is accessible to families in need
  1. Why are consumers uncomfortable with science?
    1. Language and concepts of science are difficult to understand
    2. Consumers are more comfortable with facts versus probability
    3. Science is difficult to interpret and apply
    4.  All options listed contribute to the consumer’s discomfort with science – Slides 29-30: Answer is D 
  1. Which of the following provides the best description of cultural cognition?
    1. An awareness of the food culture in which one lives
    2. The impact of different cultural norms, environments, and values on food production and distribution
    3.  The tendency to conform one’s beliefs about disputed facts with values with which they strongly identify – Slide 35: Answer is C 
    4. A collection of food and health beliefs passed down through culture and family experiences
  1. The use of facts regarding food and health is a persuasive tool that allows individuals to connect with difficult to understand science concepts.
    1. True
    2.  False – Slide 36: Answer is False 
  1. The “backfire effect” describes how the use of facts can deepen divides between individuals and groups by causing individuals to become more entrenched in their original beliefs.
    1.  True – Slide 36: Answer is True 
    2. False
  1. Which of the following is not a characteristic of persuasive communication?
    1. Assessing one’s own biases and listening without judgment
    2. Finding common ground and values with others
    3. Using stories and examples as a part of communication
    4.  Summarizing facts into easy-to-read handouts – Slide 38-43: Answer is D 
  1. Building trust requires all of the following except…
    1. Listening
    2. Caring
    3. Empathy/Compassion
    4.  Agreement – Slides 42: Answer is D 
  1. Reframing the conversation when you disagree on a topic includes all of the following except
    1. Find common ground and shared goals.
    2. Acknowledge risks and benefits of the food issue.
    3. Avoid being negative or dismissive.
    4.  When you disagree, be clear and concise (e.g., “I disagree,” or “I think you are wrong”). – Slide 48-49: Answer is D