
Soccer Fans Could Gain Up to Five Pounds...

Some research suggests soccer fanatics will put on an average of almost five pounds during the month-long 2010 World Cup tournament. Research conducted by Men's Health magazine found that during each game, a fan will drink four cans of beer, eat three slices of pizza, half a bag of chips and half a tub...

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Study Identifies Foods that Promote Weight Maintenance

For people who have dieted this year and are trying to maintain a healthful weight, turkey leftovers — without the stuffing — may be a smart strategy going forward, according to a new report. In the largest diet study in Europe to date, foods that were high in protein and...

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Watching Your Carbohydrate Intake? Calories Still Count

The Low Carb Craze Trendy in the dieting world currently means low carbohydrate. You can't walk the aisles of a grocery store, turn on the television, or pick up a magazine without seeing something about carbs. The best-selling diets out now, some of which include theAtkins Diet, The South Beach...

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Surgeon General’s Report: Sedentary Lifestyle Hazardous to Your...

The Surgeon General’s Report on Physical Activity and Health has made one thing perfectly clear: a sedentary lifestyle is damaging the health of Americans and bears responsibility for the growing obesity problem in this country. The report's primary message is that Americans can substantially improve their health and quality of life...

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Restricting Calories: Fountain of Youth?

There is a consensus among health professionals that avoiding obesity can help us live a long and healthy life. Now, two new studies add to evidence that it’s possible to live longer and healthier by restricting calories. Previous studies have found that rats which were placed on a very low-calorie...

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Less Fat Often Results in Fewer Calories!

Whether a product is low in calories, fat or sugar, it is important to remember that calories still count when making choices for a healthier diet. As the new federal obesity guidelines state, "You do need to watch your fat intake. But remember calories count too." Typically, when you choose...

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faq2Do you have questions about low-calorie sweeteners? Want to learn more about maintaining a healthy lifestyle? You asked and we listened. Our resident Registered Dietitians answered the most popular questions about low-calorie sweeteners.

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